“The Little Match Girl Passion” is David Lang’s Pulitzer Prize-winning musical composition based on the Hans Christian Andersen story, "The Little Match Girl." It tells the story of a poor child whose abusive father forces her to sell matches on the street on New Year’s Eve. Shoeless, sick and nearly delirious, the girl freezes to death. Her body is found the next morning. It premiered at Carnegie Hall in 2007. Directed by dado, this production marks the fulfillment of her receipt of the 2017 University of Chicago Awardee of the Edes Foundation Prize.
Featuring: Zachery Angus, Emmy Bean, Elliot Bibat, Erin Carney, Samantha Farmilant, Alfredo Jimenez, JVO, Daniel Kazenel, Toma Lynn Smith, Paul Sommer, Maria Stephens, Ryan Strand, Sarah Thompson, and Ana Velazquez